Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where Do I Find Christian Fiction??

Are you a starved Reader? Looking for solid, faith inspiring books that offer Suspense? Romance? Adventure? Mystery? Edge of your seat thrills? An escape into times past? Times to come? Have you read every Christian novel your neighbor owns and gave up on finding any more?

We wanted to make your life easier, sort of. So we collected links to a whole bunch of Christian Fiction Authors---just for you! Because you are very special, Reader. This is not an exhaustive list by any means. We are just getting started, so please be patient. If you don’t see your favorite Christian author listed, please give us a shout! And if you are a published Christian author and would like your books included in this listing, let us know. It’ll cost you no more than a Starbucks. Or a MooLatte. (This is a sophisticated drink for grown ups and not just a coffee flavored milkshake.)

PLUG TIME (since it’s our site and we can do whatever we want): The Portland Christian Writers would like to take this opportunity to brag on the Christian authors in our local area. Here are a few of our very own Oregon & Washington Christian authors listed in a totally random and in no way secret bible coded order:

Christina Berry http://www.christinaberry.net/
Sherrie Ashcraft http://www.sherrieashcraft.blogspot.com/
Lorena McCourtney http://www.lorenamccourtney.com/
Randy Ingermanson http://www.ingermanson.com/books/index.php
Bonnie Leon http://www.bonnieleon.com/
Karen Kingsbury http://karenkingsbury.com/
Robin Jones Gunn http://www.robingunn.com/
Jane Kirkpatrick http://jkbooks.com/
Miralee Ferrell http://w3.gorge.net/miralee/Author.html
Melanie Dobson http://www.melaniedobson.com/
Jill Williamson http://jillwilliamson.wordpress.com/
Patricia Rushford http://www.patriciarushford.com/
Randy Alcorn http://epm.org/books/alphabetical_book_indexDetail.php
Leslie Gould http://www.lesliegould.com/pages/books.html
Melody Carlson http://www.melodycarlson.com/
Mesu Andrews http://mesuloveshim.blogspot.com/
Lindy Jacobs http://lindyjacobs.blogspot.com/
Ann Shorey http://annshoreycom.blogspot.com/

If you belong on this list and are not, please leave us a comment with your web link. A nice comment.


First, you’ll find current titles and a good variety of Christian Fiction at
Christian Book Distributors: http://www.cbd.com/

Michelle Sutton’s Edgy Inspirational Author Blog offers more book reviews than you could ever possibly find time to read. But more important to the topic at hand: this site lists countless Christian authors. I mean that. I gave up counting. I actually attempted to copy each of the links for you here, but my mouse started to smoke. Just go there. You’ll need to scroll down a little and look for a list called “Incredible Authors” on the left. http://www.edgyinspirationalauthor.blogspot.com/

The American Christian Fiction Writers’ website lists gobs of Christian Fiction authors: http://acfw.com/readers/authorlist.shtml

. . . and upcoming releases: http://www.acfw.com/upcomingreleases.shtml

. . . more book reviews: http://www.acfw.com/bookreviews.shtml

. . . and Mary Connealy tells me that this list, broken down by sub-genre, is so comprehensive it’s scary: http://tiny.cc/ysOAM Of course, I gotta check that out now, just because she said that. (Yes, I grew up reading Stephen King.)

Vicki Hinze lists more authors here: http://web.mac.com/vickihinze/Vicki_Hinze_Author/

And some authors just don’t seem to be listed on any of these sites, they’re just grazin' around out there having fun: Maggie Brendan http://www.bustlesandspurs.com/
(Maggie, I'm sure you're not the only one. We'll round up the others soon.)

Grace Bridges supplies a list of Christian Speculative Fiction and some reviews here: http://splashdownbooks.com/lost-genre-library.html

If you STILL haven’t gotten your fill of book reviews, Roseanna White does more here: http://www.christianreviewofbooks.com/

There’s some sort of battle of the authors going on here, looks like it could be fun: http://acfw.com/readers/authorcomparison.shtml

Again, I’m sure we’ve missed someone even with all these lengthy lists. Just let us know who’s missing and we’ll get them added.

So, see? There is no way you can complain about not having anything to read now. Not that you would complain. And even if you have time to read all these titles, by the time you finish them, there will be more. I may even have a book for you by then. Wow. You’d better be on hand for that . . . I’m thinking that will be a MooLattes on the house kind of day.

~Camille Cannon Eide